The Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies (ACSESS) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization providing management and administrative support services to its founding members: the American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), and Soil Science Society of America (SSSA). The headquarters office for these international Societies is based in Madison, WI.
The support organization, ACSESS, was created due to the restructuring of the ASA Board of Directors in 2009. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA voted to establish the support organization in order to provide operational efficiencies, as well as giving each of the Societies the flexibility to focus on specific programmatic activities. And while ASA, CSSA, and SSSA are the founders of ACSESS, the individual names remain unchanged and each retains its own 501(c)(3) status.
ASA, CSSA, and SSSA also envision continuing to add relevant organizations as part of the strategic plan for ACSESS to provide a full-spectrum of high quality management and administration services to nonprofit scientific societies. Membership in ACSESS is open to organizations interested in enhancing synergies within the broad categories of agronomic, crop, soil, food, environmental, and the natural resources sectors, while also coordinating and potentially consolidating professional activities such as the development of educational resources, public policy positions, industry standards, and/or information resources.
How is ACSESS successful?
ACSESS enhances the success of member organizations by providing services supporting the ongoing and future activities for member societies and by producing economies of scale for services not achievable by an individual organization. ACSESS will advance common goals and secure common interests in the fields of agriculture, food, environment, and natural resources. It is envisioned that ACSESS shall:
- Facilitate collaboration among professional societies representing agronomic, crop, soil, and environmental sciences
- Advance the missions, visions, and activities of professional societies representing agronomic, crop, soil, and environmental sciences
- Promote the value and image of agronomic, crop, soil and environmental resource professions
- Unify communication with scientists, educators, policy-makers, and the public to enhance impact
- Engage science-based knowledge on the challenges facing humanity
- Furthermore, it is recognized that each member organization of ACSESS has its own unique style, character, and mode of operation. The brand identities of each member organization will be sustained and nurtured to build on their established strengths. This uniqueness is to be preserved in ACSESS as it is recognized that a diversity of organizations will help ACSESS succeed in addressing complex challenges and opportunities. ACSESS and its member organizations are committed to being nimble and flexible in philosophy and operations.
The overall purpose and responsibilities of the ACSESS Board of Directors will be to provide oversight of operations and to promote and ensure coordination among member societies. The ACSESS Board is comprised of the President, Past President and President-Elect of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America; the Chief Executive Officer of ASA, CSSA, and SSSA as ex-officio, nonvoting; and other ex-officio, nonvoting members as deemed appropriate. Officers of ACSESS are Chair, Vice Chair, Past Chair (without vote). Secretary, and Treasurer and are elected by the ACSESS Board of Directors.
Core attributes
Vision: Leaders in creating solutions to advance science
Mission: Global provider of superior services for scientific societies
Values: We believe in:
- Transparency, inclusiveness, and integrity in everything we do
- Superior service to member societies
- Excellent stewardship of members’ interests