Careers in Agronomy, Crop, and Soil Science
Grow Your Career
The Career Center promotes and encourages opportunities in the agronomic, crop, soil, and environmental sciences and serves as a clearinghouse for resumes and job listings. Employers and recruiters will find the most qualified talent pool with relevant work experience to fulfill their staffing needs. Visit our careers page to browse and post positions.
What careers are out there?
A career in agronomy will keep you in the center of efforts to increase the global supply of high-quality food, feed, fiber, fuel, and pharmaceuticals while protecting and preserving the environment. You will use your enthusiasm for science to help solve some of the toughest problems facing humanity: safe and abundant food production.
Crop science is the study of growing food, feed, and fiber crops. The work involves plants and all the factors that promote their development, such as light, water, temperature, and nutrients, as well as those conditions that inhibit their development including diseases, weeds, and insects. Crop scientists identify, interpret, and manage crops for agriculture, urban uses, and rangeland in an environmentally responsible way.
Soil scientists explore and seek to understand the earth’s land and water resources. Students of soil science learn to identify, interpret, and manage soils for agriculture, forestry, rangeland, ecosystems, urban uses, and mining and reclamation in an environmentally responsible way. Graduates can choose from a range of excellent professional opportunities and challenging careers.
Get Certified
Level up your career with a Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) or Certified Professional Soil Scientist (CPSS) certification.
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