Specialty Groups
Specialty Groups
Traditionally, our Communities and Divisions of Interest have been formed around scientific areas and/or career-focused (education, extension, consulting) areas within the sciences. Now, we’re expanding to enhance the social connections of members. The ASA, CSSA, and SSSA leadership is encouraging and nurturing the formation and development of groups that transcend science and speak to the social fabric across our Agronomy, Crop Science, and Soil Science communities.
Agricultural Scientists for Africa
Discussion Board | Members | Moderator: Hiba Tazi
Agricultural Scientists in Africa is comprised of scientists of African origin, including those engaged in agricultural projects on the African continent. The purpose of this group is to foster scientific research in African agriculture, collaboration of scientists and students, and a platform to promote greater discussions about African agriculture.

Association of Agricultural Scientists of Indian Origin
Discussion Board | Members | Moderator: Ravinder Singh
This group is developed to bring together scientists and students of Indian origin.

Association of Chinese Soil & Plant Scientists in North America
Discussion Board | Members | Moderator: Sutie Xu
Association of Chinese Soil & Plant Scientists in North America (ACSPSNA), originally founded in 1981, has the consistent objective to cultivate collaborations, further communications, and foster innovations among Chinese-origin soil and plant scientists in North America on agricultural research, education, and extension.

CSA Christian Fellowship
Discussion Board | Members | Moderator: Ramble Ankumah
We provide an opportunity to meet other brothers and sisters in Christ from around the world and incorporate worship and prayer, as well as share research, extension, teaching, families, and faith, as part of the agricultural professional community who are followers of Christ. We promote integrity in our sciences and service to others in need of our scientific and technical expertise.

International Students and Researchers
Discussion Board | Members | Moderator: Rahul Raman
Science is international! We provide a platform to exchange experiences and ideas that will enhance our experience as members of the societies. Our goal is to develop new ways to share our research across the world and facilitate multinational collaborations.

LGBTQ+ Scientists and Allies
Discussion Board | Members | Moderator: Christopher Ryan
A group for students and professionals in academia, agriculture, and extension-specifically LGBTQ+ individuals (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and related identities) and allies (those that are supportive). Focusing on education, advocacy, and support, with an emphasis to explore how identities (gender, race, religion, class, ability) intersect to create unique challenges and experiences.

Military Veterans of Agriculture
Discussion Board | Members | Moderator: Mauricio Soriano
Military Veterans of Agriculture is a group of veterans within the Societies, who support the advancement and promotion of military veterans in the agriculture sector. Military veterans have a very diverse set of skills which are great assets to the agriculture industry. Coupled with our superb teamwork, we strive to incorporate our military training into civilian agricultural systems.

Mindfulness – A Way of Living
Discussion Board | Members | Moderator: Sabine Grunwald
The Mindfulness Specialty Group aims to integrate mindfulness into the fabric of ASA-CSSA-SSSA and our professional and personal lives through mindfulness practice, explore mindfulness as a life skill, and share our experiences.

Native American and Alaska Native Scientists and Allies
Discussion Board | Members | Moderator: Jessica Davis
A group for students and professionals in academia, agriculture, and extension--specifically Indigenous individuals and allies. Focusing on support, advocacy, and education, with an emphasis on the unique challenges and experiences of Native Americans and Alaska Natives in science and agriculture.

Researchers at 1890/HBCU Schools
Discussion Board | Members | Moderator: Sougata Bardhan

Scientists and Students of Nepali Origin
Discussion Board | Members | Moderator: Dinesh Panday
Our group involves scientists and students from Nepal who participate in the ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting. We are also connected to the Association of Nepalese Agricultural Professionals of Americas (NAPA) and collaborate to network, data share, publish, and other research activities.

Web of Nigerian Agricultural Scientists in Diaspora
Discussion Board | Members | Moderator: Adesuwa Sylvia Erhunmwunse
Members of the Web of Nigerian Agricultural Scientists in Diaspora (WNASD), in recognition of our shared commitment to the promotion of sustainable agriculture, rural development, and the welfare of our community, aim to provide education and resources to enhance agricultural knowledge and practices, to facilitate networking and cooperation among members, non-members, agricultural businesses, and related stakeholders in Africa and North America, and to advocate for policies and initiatives that benefit the agricultural community in Africa, especially the sub-Saharan regions.