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USGS Coalition to Host Congressional Reception
WASHINGTON, DC, SEPTEMBER 14, 2007 -- On Monday Sept. 17, 2007, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Coalition will host a reception on Capitol Hill to highlight the important research, information, and services provided by the USGS and draw attention to the need for increased funding for the Survey in the FY 2008 budget. USGS scientists and their collaborators will be on hand to discuss the vital work the USGS conducts in the biological, geographical, geological and hydrological sciences. The reception will occur from 5:30 to 7:30 PM in the Foyer of the Rayburn House Office Building. The Soil Science Society of America is a member of the USGS Coalition.
The USGS plays an essential role in protecting the public from natural hazards such as floods and earthquakes, assessing water quality, providing emergency responders with geospatial data to improve homeland security, and providing the science needed to manage our natural resources and combat invasive species that can threaten agriculture and public health. The USGS is active in every state in the nation, working in partnership with more than 2,000 federal, state, local, tribal and private organizations that rely on the research, information, and services it provides.
The USGS budget has declined in real dollars for five consecutive years, and it would decline for a sixth year if the FY 2008 budget request is enacted. Real funding for the USGS is at its lowest level since 1996, and yet such funding is critical for the USGS to respond to natural disasters like hurricanes, monitor for avian flu, forecast wildfire risk, and assess mineral, coal, oil and natural gas resources. The USGS Coalition applauds the Congress for acknowledging the importance of the USGS by proposing funding increases in the pending FY 2008 Interior and the Environment appropriations.
Members of Congress, Congressional staff, and recognized news media are invited to the reception to learn more about the work of the USGS and its contribution to improving daily life for all Americans.
Please RSVP to Barbara Fricks at bfricks@soils.org, or 202-408-5558.
For more information on the USGS Coalition, please contact Dr. Holly Menninger, 202-628-1500 x229, hmenninger@aibs.org
About the USGS Coalition:
The USGS Coalition is an alliance of more than 70 organizations united by a commitment to the continued vitality of the unique combination of biological, geographical, geological and hydrological programs of the United States Geological Survey. The USGS Coalition support increased federal investment in the USGS programs that underpin responsible natural resource stewardship, improve resilience to natural and human-induced hazards, and contribute to the long-term health, security and prosperity of the nation. For more information about the USGS Coalition, including a list of member organizations, please go to www.usgscoalition.org.