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Scientists to Gather in Houston in October to Celebrate International Year of Planet Earth

This first-ever joint meeting will highlight and stimulate discussions in areas of common interest across the diversity of disciplines of the organizations represented

BOULDER, CO, and MADISON, WI, JANUARY 25, 2008 -- More than 10,000 scientists, professionals, and students will gather in Houston on 5-9 October 2008 to discuss the latest research and current trends in energy, water resources, science education, earth systems, and related sciences.

This meeting is sponsored by the Geological Society of America, American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, and Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies. Also participating is the Gulf Coast Section of the Society for Sedimentary Geology and the meeting is hosted by the Houston Geological Society.

The intention of this first-ever joint meeting is to highlight and stimulate discussions in areas of common interest across the diversity of disciplines of the organizations represented. Held under the theme, “Celebrating the International Year of Planet Earth,” the meeting recognizes the International Year of Planet Earth initiative, organized by International Union of Geological Sciences and the United Nations General Assembly.

Scientific Session Topics
The event will be held at the George R. Brown Convention Center and will feature presentations of scientific papers, hundreds of exhibits, and a myriad of distinguished lectures and special events to engage students to professionals to scientists across the earth sciences and in every employment sector. The scientific program features joint scientific sessions in the following topical categories:

  • Climate Change through Time: Evidence in the Geologic Record
  • The Impending Global Water Crisis: Geology, Soils, Agronomy, and International Security
  • Energy Budgets and the Global Market
  • Globalization of Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Wetland and River Restoration: Environmental Saviors or Scientific Failures?
  • Coastal Impacts: Can Massive Environmental Restoration and Coastal Engineering Protect the Gulf Coast from Future Hurricane Impacts and Rising Sea Levels?
  • Geobiology and Biomineralization: From the Origins of Life to the Origin of Cities
  • Emerging Trace Contaminants in Surface and Ground Water Generated from Waste Water and Solid Waste Application
  • Carbon Sequestration: Methods, Markets, and Policy
  • Human Influences on the Stratigraphic Record

In addition to the joint sessions, each participating scientific society will have its own sessions, symposia, workshops, field trips, tours, and special events. Abstract submission opens on 21 January and Housing and Registration opens in June.

Media & PIO Invitation
Representatives of the media are cordially invited to attend and participate in scientific sessions, field trips, and other special events. Eligible media will receive complimentary registration and are invited to use onsite newsroom facilities while at the meeting. Media registration will begin in June 2008. Eligibility for media registration is as follows:

  • Working press representing bona fide, recognized news media with a press card, letter, or business card from the publication.
  • Freelance science writers, presenting a current membership card from NASW, ISWA, regional affiliates of NASW, ISWA, CSWA, ACS, ABSW, EUSJA, or evidence of work pertaining to science published in 2007 or 2008.
  • PIOs of scientific societies, educational institutions, and government agencies.
  • Representatives of the business side of news media, publishing houses, and for-profit corporations must register at the main registration desk and pay the appropriate fees.
  • Journalists and PIOs must pay for any short courses or field trips in which they wish to participate.

For information about the meeting or about the sponsoring scientific societies, go to:

The ACSESS is an international scientific and professional society with its headquarters in Madison, WI.