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Ecology in Organic Ag: Combining Farming, Science
MADISON, WI, OCTOBER 27, 2009 – Agriculture is going through a profound revolution -- one that rivals the industrial revolution of the 19th century and the green revolution of the 20th century, so says the authors of a new book, Organic Farming: The Ecological System, which combines farmer experience and wisdom with the best that science has to offer. The book’s chapters can help consumers better understand how organic systems can be designed to meet human needs while also preserving the natural environment.
More than 2,700 scientists and professionals will gather at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, Nov. 1-5 to discuss the latest research and trends in agriculture, energy, climate change, environmental science, science education, and more. Follow our daily Twitter feed of research and events at: www.twitter.com/ASA_CSSA_SSSA , #ACSMtg. For meeting information, including abstracts of the papers being presented, visit: www.acsmeetings.org or contact Sara Uttech, ASA-CSSA-SSSA, 608-268-4948, suttech@agronomy.org
Complimentary registration to this event is offered to credentialed journalists, Public Information Officers, and NASW members. Advance registration is encouraged, by sending a request to Sara Uttech, Science Communications Manager, suttech@agronomy.org, 608-268-4948. To register on-site, present a business card or other credentials to the Newsroom, Room 310, David L. Lawrence Convention Center.
Can’t make it to the meeting? ASA-CSSA-SSSA will post news releases to the Annual Meetings online newsroom at: www.acsmeetings.org/newsroom. Power Point presentations will also be available for many papers; please contact Sara Uttech: suttech@agronomy.org for more information.