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Longtime Soil Science Publication Repositioned and Relaunched

Exciting Move to Online Delivery will Serve a Larger Readership


Madison, Wisconsin, February 8, 2012 – The Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) is pleased to announce one of the leading soil science publications, Soil Survey Horizons, has undergone an editorial repositioning and name change as of 2012.  The new title, Soil Horizons, is consistent with SSSA’s desire to reach a wider audience, including policy-makers in Washington, environmental scientists and researchers, and the general public.  In addition, Soil Horizons will now be published online only, allowing for rapid production and more features only possible through an online publication.

The aim of Soil Horizons is to share the importance of soil science with a larger audience.  It features stories celebrating the diversity and critical impact of soil scientists and their work. Soil Horizons is an outlet for the publication of peer-reviewed papers on global issues and solutions in the study of soils, along with emerging challenges, ideas, unique field experiences, and findings.  But these papers may also break from the traditional to explore everything from case studies as examples of a larger issue, to experiential papers with implications for further study or changes in practice.

“We are very pleased to introduce Soil Horizons as a new, enhanced version of Soil Survey Horizons.  A primary goal of this change is to reach a larger audience with broader interests in the soils profession.  Thus, we’ll be using the online delivery format to highlight articles of interest for the practicing professionals, those active in research and teaching, extension, and the general public,” says Soil Science Society of America President Gary Pierzynski.

The content of Soil Horizons will capture the enthusiasm for soils and bring it to the larger audience via its web-based format.  Advantages for this type of publication will include linking, video and audio, personalization options, and reader interaction.

“The story of soil is one we should share widely for the benefit of our entire society.  It is a complex mix of ingredients: minerals, air, water, and organic matter—countless organisms and the decaying remains of once-living things.  Soil is life,” says Pierzynski.  The online publication of Soil Horizons will make the dynamic stories of life, easily available.  Soil Horizons ( ) will relaunch Wednesday, February 8, 2012.


The ACSESS is an international scientific and professional society with its headquarters in Madison, WI.