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Soil Science Society to Take Part in Exhibit Supporting National Science Foundation
MAY 10, 2012 – Science will be on full display when Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) members showcase innovations resulting directly from National Science Foundation (NSF) funded research for members of Congress during the Coalition for National Science Funding Exhibition on Tuesday, May 15, 2012 in Washington, D.C.
The event will partner more than 30 of the top Science Societies, Universities, and Associations to give Legislators and staff an up-close look at science in action. It’s scheduled from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in rooms B338-340 of the Rayburn House Office Building.
“The Soil Science Society of America proudly supports the Coalition’s efforts to reach decision-makers directly. We look forward to this opportunity for creating awareness about the importance of sustaining federal investment in the National Science Foundation,” says SSSA Director of Science Policy Karl Glasener. The Society’s involvement will include an interactive display highlighting new discoveries in soil science from Kansas State University Graduate Student Andrew McGowan and Kansas State University Professor Dr. Chuck Rice, who is also a Past President of SSSA.
Congress is currently debating the level of funding for NSF’s scientific research and education programs. The legislation, as approved by the House Appropriations Committee, supports $7.3 billion for NSF during fiscal year 2013. Scientific research funded by NSF is critical to continuing global competitiveness as well as contributing to solutions for current challenges, including economic growth and security.
For more information on the Coalition for National Science Funding go to www.cnsfweb.org
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