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New journal to focus on agricultural, environmental issues

The “letters” style journal will be published by ASA, CSSA, SSSA

February 29, 2016 – Agricultural & Environmental Letters (AEL) is a new open access digital journal from the American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America, and the Crop Science Society of America.

AEL publishes broad-reaching, transformative, and timely research on major scientific, policy, and economic issues that span the entire range of the agricultural and environmental sciences. Rapid global communication is becoming more important, and the Societies created AEL to facilitate this communication.

Agriculture and Environmental Letters journal coverAgricultural & Environmental Letters brings together researchers and policy makers to report the most accomplished and notable advances in the field:

  • Innovative results and observations with broad implications at the forefront of one or several agricultural and environmental disciplines.
  • Results with immediate impact on the research of others and requiring rapid publication, especially if presented as part of Society conferences and symposia.
  • Methods manuscripts introducing innovative techniques, with immediate applications to agricultural disciplines.

"Agricultural & Environmental Letters is a place where conversations can develop among agricultural and environmental scientists,” says Warren Dick, AEL editor and professor at The Ohio State University. “Papers are about relevant issues related to science, policy, research trends, business trends, exciting new discoveries, food security, etc. Science and technology are more integrated and interdisciplinary than ever before.”

To stimulate this conversation, and to attract a wide readership, the journal makes liberal use of guest editorials. It also includes a Commentary section, where agricultural and environmental scientists can further conversation. Letters to the Editor are greatly encouraged.

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