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How does your (school) garden grow?

School garden photo contest offers prizes for pulses

April 14, 2016 –Schools and other K-12 programs can grow cold, hard cash for their school gardens in 2016.

Planting bean seeds in gardenThe United Nations declared 2016 as the International Year of Pulses. What’s a pulse? Think dry beans, peas, and lentils. As part of the celebration, the Crop Science Society of America (CSSA) is sponsoring an IYP School Garden Photo Contest for educators.

“One of our goals is to get people to eat more beans – because they are tasty and great for human health – and to get people to grow more beans – because they play an important role in soil health,” says Mark Brick, CSSA’s IYP committee chair. “School gardens are a natural fit for pulses.”

Prizes are $300 first place, $150 second place, $100 third place. Three honorable mentions will receive $50 each. Rules and entry form are at

CSSA also created a web page for the public about pulses, Special tabs for the public include K-12 Education, Beans in the News, Grow Your Own, and Delicious Ideas. CSSA has also compiled links to various recipes so you can increase your consumption of pulses.

CSSA will release more information about pulses during the 2016 IYP celebration.

The ACSESS is an international scientific and professional society with its headquarters in Madison, WI.