March 2009
- Nitrate Stimulates Greenhouse Gas Production in Small Streams
- Identifying Mega-Targets for High-Yield Plant Breeding
- Tree Species Composition Influences Nitrogen Loss From Forests
- Transport Behavior of E. coli Varies Depending on Manure Source
- How Increased UV Exposure Impacts Plants
- Understanding Soil Carbon Sequestration: New Book Presents Key Concepts
February 2009
- Soil Carbon Storage is Not Always Influenced by Tillage Practices
- Ultra-fine Coatings on Sediment Grains Influence Nitrate and Sulfate Storage in Soil
- Patience Pays Off with Methanol for Uranium Bioremediation
- No Consistent Advantage for Planting Soybean Early
- Will Large Amounts of Soil Carbon be Released to the Atmosphere if Grasslands are Converted to Energy Crops?
- Preventing Rangeland Erosion: Developing Better Management Practices in Iran
- Plant Soybean Early to Increase Yield
- Understanding Phosphorus in Soils Is Vital to Proper Management
- Dry Beans Inhibit Development of Mammary Cancer
- Historical Increase in Corn Yield -- It’s in the Roots
January 2009
- Tracking Poultry Litter Phosphorus: Threat of Accumulation?
- New Book Confronts Challenges of Producing Crops with Depleted Water Supplies
- Like Herding Cats: Collaborative Learning across Multiple Institutions
- Soil Maps Generate Reliable Quaternary Geologic Map
- Organic Soils Continue to Acidify Despite Reduction in Acidic Deposition
- Preventing Soil Erosion in Continuous Corn
- Low Level Herbicide Use Can Damage Potato Reproduction
December 2008
- Describing Soils: Calibration Tool for Teaching Soil Rupture Resistance
- Models Simulate Nitrate Dynamics in Garonne, Southwest France
- Improving Soybean Digestibility
- Oil Spray Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Pig Finishing Barns
- Strange Travels
- Managing Carbon Loss
- 3-D Laser Scanning: A New Soil Quality Measurement
November 2008
- Urban Trees Enhance Water Infiltration
- A Model to Measure Soil Health in the Era of Bioenergy
- Tillage, Rotation Impacts Peanut Crops
- Where Have All the Students Gone?
October 2008
- Biosolids Microbes Pose Manageable Risk to Workers
- American Society of Agronomy Presents 2008 Fellows
- Crop Science Society of America Presents Awards in Houston
- ASA, CSSA, SSSA Present Scholarships in Houston
- American Society of Agronomy Presents Awards
- Crop Science Society of America Presents the 2008 Fellows
- Soil Science Society of America Presents 2008 Fellows
- Soil Science Society of America Presents Awards in Houston
- Nitrous Oxide Emissions Respond Differently to No-Till Depending on the Soil Type
- Scientists Map Soils on an Extinct American Volcano
- Pesticide Concentrations Decreasing
- Estimate Soil Texture-by-Feel
- Pickleweed Tolerates Irrigation with Seawater and High Levels of Boron
- Agricultural Research Highlighted in Houston
- Scientists Keep an Eye on Texas
September 2008
- Experiment Demonstrates 110 Years of Sustainable Agriculture
- Nitrogen Applied
- Allan Romander Selected International Certified Crop Adviser of the Year
- Global Energy Forum in Houston
- Texas-Size Conference Tackles Global Issues
- Experts to Discuss Global Water Crisis
- Carbon Sinks: Issues, Markets, Policy
- The Making of Dig It! the Secrets of Soil Exhibit
- Meeting the Challenges of Teaching the New Agriculture
- Nitrate Concentrations of Ground Water Increasing in Many Areas of the United States
- Two Congressmen Honored with USGS Coalition Leadership Award
- New Field Guide Provides Practical Primer on Soils
- U.S. Air Force Technology Helps Scientists Understand Plant Root Function
- How Are Herbicides Discovered?
- A Little Nitrogen Can Go a Long Way
August 2008
- Biological Selenium Removal: The Solution to Pollution?
- Getting to the Root of the Matter
- Measuring Calcium in Serpentine Soils
- Can Biofuels be Sustainable?
- Scientists Team Up in Houston to Tackle Global Challenges
- A Simple Twist of Evolution
- Bacterial Persistence in Streams
July 2008
- No-Tillage Plus
- Soil’s Carbon Storage Capacity Investigated
- Experts to Provide Peek of Smithsonian Soils Exhibit
- Colorado Senator Receives Soil Stewardship Award
- Teaching in a Disruptive Classroom
- New Natural History Exhibition Reveals The Impact of Soil on All Life on Earth
- Kids Book Features Inside Scoop on Soil
- Dioxin Risk in Soil and Plant Tissues after Long-Term Biosolids Application
- Crop Management: How Small Do We Go?
- Senate Resolution Shines Spotlight on Importance of Soils
- Improving Swine Waste Fertilizer
June 2008
- Statistical Relationships Simplified
- Pesticides Persist in Ground Water
- Where Is Your Soil Water? Crop Yield Has the Answer
- Goats Can Be Too Much of a Good Thing for Pastures
- Positive Perceptions from a Young American Farmer
- Holistic Study Approach Expands Understanding of Agricultural Chemicals in the Environment
May 2008
- Sophisticated Soil Analysis for Improved Land Use
- Organic Corn: Increasing Rotation Complexity Increases Yields
- Biotechnology vs. Sustainability: What Do Students Think?
- Fecal Microorganisms Inhabit Sandy Beaches of Florida
- Keeping Yields, Profits, and Water Quality High
- Finding the Real Potential of No-Till Farming for Sequestering Carbon
- Officers Elected to Fill Scientific Society Boards
April 2008
- The Sweet World of Soil Microbiology
- Global Food Crisis: Experts Available to Comment
- What's In Your Soil?
- Bayer CropScience Supports Soils Exhibition with Donation
- Herbicide-Tolerant Crops Can Improve Water Quality
- Inaugural Kirkham Gold Medal Presented to Expert on Soil Physics
- Self Seeding: An Innovative Management System
- Soil Science on D-Day
- Congressional Luncheon Briefing on Biofortification of Crops
- Food Biotechnology: Real World Challenges
- Outstanding Undergraduates Recognized in Agronomy, Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences