March 2018
- Ragweed casts shade on soy production
- Spring’s leaks, soil’s response
- How do they make the grass on golf courses so smooth?
- Fixing soybean’s need for nitrogen
- Why are there regulations on manure use for food safety?
- Chesapeake Bay’s nitrogen clean-up crew
- Agronomy @Work, on video
- Why are weeds so competitive with my plants?
- Crop rotation, grazing rebuilds soil health
- Watters honored as International Certified Crop Adviser of the Year
- The Irish Potato Famine – could it happen again?
February 2018
- Mudsnails provide water quality indicators
- What are the general uses of pesticides?
- Reed canarygrass: environmental foe, cattle food?
- How does biochar work to improve, or even decontaminate, soil?
- Cover crops in nitrogen’s circle of life
- Tips for community gardens
- How do scientists do traditional plant breeding?
- Technology keeps rice fertilizer nice
- What is the soil microbiome?
January 2018
- Research finding ways to inject manure, preserve environment
- Tracking wastewater’s path to wells, groundwater
- How do fertilizers help with food security?
- New “Buck” naked barley: food, feed, brew
- What is vermicompost?
- Robotic weeders: to a farm near you?
- Under snow, underfoot: soils in winter
- Scientific societies create sustainability, food security blog
- Alfalfa loss? Annual ryegrass is a win
- What are the benefits of growing multiple types of forage grasses for grazing animals?
December 2017
- No rest for weary canola plants
- Are wetlands really the “Earth’s kidneys”?
- Does eclipse equal night in plant life?
- Freezing trees, finding answers
- What’s the largest terrestrial organism?
November 2017
- Cranberry growers tart on phosphorus
- High yield, protein with soybean gene
- Soils and your Thanksgiving meal
- Filling intercropping info gap
- Easing the soil’s temperature
- How do septic systems work?
- The fingerprints of coastal carbon sinks
October 2017
- Living mulch builds profits, soil
- Are there really glow-in-the-dark soil organisms?
- Grazing horses on better pastures
- Mineral content of soils key to physical and chemical behavior
- Impact of extreme winter weather on hardwood forests
- Soil amendments for healthier spinach
- Sustainable soils for sustainable cities
- Why is my basement wall cracked?
September 2017
- Nematodes as indicators of soil health
- Constructed wetlands influence the Everglades
- Removing nitrate for healthier ecosystems
- Treating citrus greening with copper: Effects on trees, soils
- Legume crops good for soil fertility, smallholder farmers
- Overcoming obstacles to measure nitrous oxide emissions
- Restoring wetlands and our environment
- Breaking legume’s crop wild relative barrier
- Researching the impact of natural gas drilling
- Effects of changing tillage practices on sugar beets presented
- How can I prevent erosion and runoff in my yard?
- Advancing a shared goal for farmers and conservation
- Plant breeding in the 21st century
- Helping Chinese farmers tackle erosion, increase profits
- Carbon cycling in forest soils research presented
- Helping plants adapt to climate change
- Alaska’s climate, soils, highlighted at meeting
- Beyond herbicides in the agricultural landscape
- Towards a climate-smart Mississippi basin
- Sustainability, nutrient management, soil health focus of symposium
- What are Alaska’s soils telling us?
August 2017
- On the frontlines of climate change
- Spectroscopy: Simple solution for soil sample
- Partnering with soil microbes essential to plant and animal life
- Woteki to speak on global food security: building the needed research
- Closing the agricultural nutrient gap worldwide
- Progress with tropical maize yields highlighted for lectureship
- Peas that like it hot
- Soil microbes persist through National Mall facelift
- When does rock become soil?
- Biochar shows benefits as manure lagoon cover
- Alkaline soil, sensible sensor
- Do plants and soil really ‘talk’?
July 2017
- Adjusting fertilizers vital in claypan soils
- Kidney beans with better roots, better yield
- Why should I stay on the trail while using motorized vehicles in parks?
- Online climate data benefits producers
- How can I fix my falling retaining wall?
- Winter cover crop good for soil, cows, profit
June 2017
- Calculating ‘old’ and ‘new’ water runoff
- No mercury accumulation in fish after fire
- How do retaining walls work?
- Promising peas’ potential in Big Sky Country
- Waste not, want not
- How do the “three sisters” plants work together?
May 2017
- Mining for answers on abandoned mines
- Where you grow what you grow
- When birds of a feather poop together
- What can I tell by looking at—and touching—my soil?
- Thirsty seeds reach for medicine cabinet
- Doctoring the soil
- Why is my soil so compacted?
April 2017
- Corn with a cover of grass
- A better way to manage phosphorus?
- Is white beach sand really sand?
- Advocating for ant antics
- Agronomy Feeds the World Videos created
- Cover, crimp, cultivate?
- Sleeping soils get a wake up call