Awards Help
Frequently Asked Questions
It is best to enter a Society email address. Use our Member Directory or Certification Directory to look up their Society email.
Add your secondary email at My Account to have the awards system also recognize another email for you.
Upon entering the nominee's email address, an email is sent from awards@sciencesocieties.org. Nominees can view the nomination, but only the primary nominator can edit and submit the nomination.
Upon entering a reference, an email is sent from awards@sciencesocieties.org containing instructions to submit the letter. When reference writers submit a letter, an email is sent to the nominator notifying them a reference has been submitted.
Use the Member Directory or Certification Directory to assist you in completing a nomination, including a nominee's leadership and committee service.
To bring in formatted text from Word, first copy the text in Word, then in our Awards Program, click the icon “paste from Word” in the formatting toolbar.
Character limits include all text, punctuation, and spaces.
You can edit a nomination up until the final submission deadline.
Nominations are not considered complete, and will not successfully submit, until all reference letters are submitted. Nominators: Monitor reference letters and submit the completed nomination by the final submission deadline.
- Members of ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Award Committees are not eligible to be nominated, to prepare a nomination, or to write a reference letter for the specific award for which their committee is responsible. They are eligible to apply, nominate, and write a reference letter for all other awards, based on their Society membership(s).
- Board members for each Society, including Executive Committee members, are not eligible to be nominated, to prepare a nomination, or write a reference letter for any award or Fellow nomination from their Society.
- Board members, including Executive Committee members, also are not eligible to be nominated or prepare a nomination for any scholarship presented by the Society for which they serve; however Board members, excluding Executive Committee members, are eligible to write a reference letter for undergraduate/graduate student scholarships presented by their Society only.
- Board Members, including Executive Committee members, are eligible to be nominated, to prepare a nomination, or to write a reference letter for any award, scholarship, or Fellow nomination presented by a Society for which they are not serving as board members.
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