The Societies currently publish thirteen journals, including six open access journals, as well as a monograph and book library across a variety of subjects. Advance your career through review and editorial board service. Take advantage of our journals to share your work to broad audiences through our self-promotion tools.

Lead Our Journals
Serve the scientific community and advance your career—our journals seek editors to shape the future of research. Three positions are open for nomination until June 1. Editors provide leadership, uphold quality, and promote scholarship.
About our publications program
Our journal and book content is peer-reviewed by diverse international editorial boards consisting of leading experts in each field of research. Our journals offer multiple transfer options between all ASA, CSSA, and SSSA journals. We provide competitive publication services, including Open Access options, page fee waivers on some journals, and discounts for Society members on certain journals. In addition, we provide promotional services for select papers via our webinars, magazines, and podcasts. Our staff is here to serve you at every step of the way and will guide you through the processes of submission, peer review, editing, publishing, and beyond.

Publish your Work
Reach millions of readers worldwide by publishing in one of our thirteen journals. Open access options and publication fee waivers available.

Become an Editor
Grow your career and keep your finger on the pulse of current science by serving on our editorial boards.

Serve as a Reviewer
Contribute to the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record and support Society-published research by volunteering to peer review.
Explore our journals
Coverage of new discoveries, member news, in-depth features, and applied solutions

CSA News is the official monthly magazine highlighting society members, science policy, careers, education and more.

Crops & Soils features content for certified professionals with a focus on solutions to daily challenges while providing self-study CEU opportunities.

Comprehensive Book Library focusing on agronomic, crop, and soil sciences
ASA, CSSA, and SSSA publish peer-reviewed textbooks, professional guides, and reference books on the topics of agricultural, soil, and environmental science. Society members can publish their book for free.

Interviews with authors on the latest and greatest published research
The Field, Lab, Earth podcast is all about past and present advances in agronomic, crop, soil, and environmental science.
Why Publish with Us?
As nonprofit member society publishers, we produce the most trusted and well-respected peer-reviewed journals in agronomic sciences, crop sciences, and soil science. Publishing with professional societies allows for reinvestment in our sciences through direct support of mission-based programs, such as educational opportunities, awards and fellowship, professional certification programs, and science policy initiatives.
Not only that, but our size and mission means hands-on care and service as you proceed along the submission, peer review, publication, and promotion pathway. Take advantage of our support on your journey to publish in well regarded, high quality member society journals.
The Societies currently publish thirteen journals, including six open access journals, as well as a Book library across a variety of subjects. Our content, hosted by Wiley, reaches millions of readers all over the world. Our journals are indexed in Google Scholar, Web of Science, CrossRef, Scopus, Agricola, CABI, and more for increased discoverability.
The Societies are members of STM, Clockss, COPE, ALPSP, SocPC, and United2Act.

Publications member benefits
- Enjoy access to our Online Library, including articles and archives of our 13 journals and most books published by ASA, CSSA, and SSSA.
- Read CSA News, which highlights our members, their work, and the best science news from our journals and membership.
- Use your 33% discount on unlimited learning and CEU opportunities through a one-year Online Classroom subscription. Includes CEU quizzes for each podcast episode.
- Check out page charge discounts for members publishing in Agronomy Journal, Crop Science, or Soil Science Society of America Journal.
- Grow your experience and recognition as a peer reviewer or journal editor.
- Volunteer as a mentor or for member committee service.