Undergraduate students gather in San Antonio to network, compete, learn, and have fun

The undergraduate student program—Students of Agronomy, Soils, and Environmental Sciences (SASES)—presented a variety of sessions during the 2024 Annual Meeting (now known as CANVAS), bringing undergraduate members together from around the world for an exciting week!
Students started their program on Sunday with tours around the San Antonio area, visiting locations such as Palmetto State Park, Luling Lavender Fields, and the San Antonio Botanical Gardens. This year, SASES participants were able to attend the ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Opening Keynote, which was followed by a brand-new event: the Undergraduate + Graduate Keynote Afterparty.
Alongside competing in the variety of contests offered, undergraduate attendees had opportunities to network, hear many fascinating talks, and learn more about the Societies and potential career paths.
The first day of the event included a SASES keynote speaker, Dr. Ole Wendroth, an SSSA and ASA Fellow and former SSSA president who shared his expansive professional experience in agricultural science. In the afternoon, students had time to compete in contests or attend professional events of their choice, followed by the crowd-favorite SASES Quiz Bowl.
The second day began with elections for the 2025 national officers. Later in the day, SASES chapters from around the nation competed in the President’s Trophy contest for best club, followed by a networking session with past, present, and current Society presidents. In the afternoon, students had the opportunity to network in roundtable settings with graduate students, CCA/CPSS members, and industry professionals, followed by an awards dinner to celebrate the 2024 undergraduate competition winners.
2024 undergraduate contest results
Now, onto the 2024 undergraduate contest results. Congratulations to this year’s winners!
Quiz Bowl
Champions: University of Wisconsin–River Falls (Heather Hatfull, Hannah Schull, August Roach, and Megan Culpitt)

Presidents’ Trophy
Winner: Steven Mai of Auburn University

Undergraduate Research Symposium Poster Contest
Session I: Soils
First place: Kathryn Young, Brigham Young University
Session II: Crop nutrients
First place: Alex Rodriguez, Cal State University–Monterey Bay
Session III: Crop disease, pest, and weed control
First place: Elayna Stirn, University of Wisconsin–River Falls
Session IV: Cropping systems
First place: Joao Victor Colla Ferro, Oklahoma State University
Session V: General
First place: Aidan Bobholz, Iowa State University; and Bryce Himmelberg, University of Missouri
Undergraduate Research Symposium Oral Contest
Session I
First place: Steven Mai, Auburn University
Second place: Damon LeMaster, West Virginia University
Third place: Katherine Atkins, University of Texas-Arlington; and Fiona Todd, University of Minnesota
Session II
First place: Cassandra Stachler, Ohio State University
Second place: Amy Skelton, Texas A&M University
Third place: Racquel Gorden, University of Central Missouri
Internship Experience Poster Contest
Sponsored by ASA’s Advancing Agronomy via Public-Private Partnerships Community
First place: Ella Schmidt, Michigan State University
Second place: Allie Blanchard, Michigan State University
Third place: Samuel Laws, University of Tennessee–Martin
Pedology Contest
First place: Claire Meara, University of Arkansas–Fayetteville
Second place: Elliot Nimmer, University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point
Third place: Sam Anderson, Auburn University
Crops Judging Contest
Badger Crops Club of the University of Wisconsin–Madison
First place: Rianne Wagner, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Second place: Cade Halbrook, Oklahoma State University
Third place: Derek Gehin, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Fourth place: Jason Emsweller, Purdue University
Fifth place: Carissa Sohm, Kansas State University
Sixth place: Lakin Giager, Kansas State University
Darrel S. Metcalfe Manuscript Contest
First place: Sarah Uschold, University of Tennessee–Knoxville
Second place: Kristen Cartee, Auburn University
Third place: Chloe Tilley, Texas A&M University
Thank you to the volunteers, advisers, and student participants who made this year a success. We’ll see y’all next year in Salt Lake City, UT!
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