Welcome to the new Crops & Soils site
The new site currently features articles from 2024 and 2025. Content from past years will be added soon and new content will post each week.

Fertilizer industry innovations supporting climate mitigation
Fertilizers, particularly nitrogen, comprise a large part of the carbon footprint of crop production. The industry is exploring and applying innovations toward reducing emissions of greenhouse gases arising from the manufacture and use of fertilizers.
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Imagery-based crop nutrient management
Imagery-based nitrogen management systems offer tremendous potential for improving the efficiency of nitrogen use in agriculture. However, challenges such as cloud cover, image quality, and nitrogen leaching must be addressed for these systems to reach their full potential. Solutions driven by AI, combined with better agronomic practices, can help mitigate these challenges and reduce the environmental impact of nitrogen leaching, particularly in nitrogen-intensive regions. Earn 0.5 CEUs in Nutrient Management by taking the quiz for the article.

Precision Irrigation Technologies for Water-Wise and Climate Resilient Alfalfa Production
The future of water-wise and resilient alfalfa production lies in the integration of precision irrigation technologies and innovative water management strategies. With the continued threat of drought and depleting levels within the Ogallala aquifer in regions like the Southern Great Plains of the United States, it is important to adopt precision techniques that optimize water use while maximizing crop yields and quality. From soil moisture-based management to canopy-based monitoring and the development of irrigation decision support systems, farmers and CCAs have many options from commercially available tools at their disposal to navigate water scarcity challenges. The power of artificial intelligence, satellite imagery, and real-time data analytics can all be integrated together to bring the agricultural community to work towards a future where alfalfa production remains resilient and environmentally sustainable. Earn 1.5 CEUs in Soil & Water Management by reading this article and taking the quiz at https://web.sciencesocieties.org/Learning-Center/Courses.
Soil fertility, fertilizers, and crop nutrition: Past, present, and future
Society has made (and will be making) significant demands on agriculture in the not-to-distant future. Meeting future sustainability goals and environmental regulations while simultaneously continuing to meet requirements for food, feed, fuel, and fiber requires a firm understanding of how “we” have collectively arrived at our current status as it relates to our fertility principles and beliefs as well as the processes that address them. This series intends to describe crop nutrition and fertilizers from where we have been to where the authors believe that we will likely need to be prepared to go if we are to support world demands into the foreseeable future.

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