Preprint Servers
Posting of preprints to a not-for-profit preprint server is considered acceptable but requires citing of the preprint. You may submit to a preprint server any time prior to acceptance. Find more information about our preprint policy on our Editorial Policies page.
Earth and Space Science (ESS) Open Archive

The ESS Open Archive (formerly ESSOAr) is a community preprint server established to accelerate the open discovery and dissemination of research by archiving and sharing early research outputs, presentations from major scientific meetings, and important documents of scholarly societies. The ESS Open Archive is governed by a partnership of institutions, led by the American Geophysical Union and Wiley, including participation from the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America.
Preprint servers facilitate rapid dissemination of research and allow researchers to share preliminary results and receive peer feedback ahead of formal publication to improve their work and establish priority. All content posted on ESS Open Archive receives a DOI and is citable and freely accessible. Preprints will, where possible, link and resolve to the official published version of record, once available. The ESS Open Archive also allows researchers to preserve their posters or slide presentations from recognized scientific conferences. The ESS Open Archive allows, and encourages, linking to data sets in leading repositories or other online resources such as posters and videos. The ESS Open Archive also provides an archive for official materials of scholarly societies.
The ESS Open Archive is integrated with the ASA, CSSA, and SSSA ScholarOne manuscript submission system and is active for all journals.
The ESS Open Archive will help resolve pressure on authors submitting to ASA, CSSA, and SSSA journals by allowing their manuscripts to become visible online quickly and easily. The ESS Open Archive is dedicated to supporting ASA, CSSA, and SSSA subject matter and supports the early and open sharing of scientific research. Once an article has been published in an ASA, CSSA, and SSSA journal, the ESS Open Archive-assigned DOI will resolve to the final version of record.
All ESS Open Archive content is free to access and download without registration. To submit content to ESS Open Archive, authors must go through their ORCID account or Authorea account (or first create one). Content is evaluated for scope and completeness by the Editorial Board. Content is not peer-reviewed and is posted without copyediting or typesetting. Commenting on ESS Open Archive content is available through the open annotation plug-in, hypothes.is. Additional information is in the FAQ and Submission Guide. For additional information, please contact ESS Open Archive directly.
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