Video Summaries
Are you looking for more ways to communicate your research findings? Authors who publish in one of our journals have the option to submit a short self-recorded video.
Why Create a Video Summary?
Video summaries are an excellent way to increase the visibility of your research in the scientific community and to explain to all levels of the research community why your article is important. Successful video summaries take a personal approach—they tell a story—to help attract more visits to your article. In less than an hour, you can create one of your own, even with limited experience.
A brief video summary (3 to 5 minutes) allows you to promote your article by summarizing your key results and conclusions. It can be as simple as a PowerPoint presentation from your computer desktop or a video of you summarizing the work. Here is one example of a video summary.
At any point after your article is accepted, you can submit your video summary to the journal manager (see our list of journal contacts) along with article details and your contact information. Our editors will review the video to ensure quality of the video content, but note that the video is not peer reviewed. We also ask that you to supply keywords and brief 1-2 sentence summary of your research.
Once your video is approved, branding and basic article information are added. The video will be uploaded to our hosting site, and we will add a link to the video to your online article. We will also share the URL with you so you can view and share the link to your video via social media, with your colleagues, and to your institution’s PR department.
Video Recording Guidelines and Tips
We suggest a relaxed but serious tone for your talk. Practice, but do not completely script your talk to avoid a monotone presentation. Feel free to include a few figures from your paper in the video summary, particularly if they are easy to read and convey your message. Complicated figures and tables are difficult to present in a short video.
One way to record a video summary is directly from your computer in PowerPoint. PowerPoint has features to record yourself voicing over each slide and even to include your image on screen if you have a camera on your computer. Here are a few more recommendations for equipment, presentation no matter what software you use.
For assistance recording your video, please read our helpful guidelines and tips.
Our editors will review the video to ensure quality of the video content, but the video is not peer reviewed. We will also add the journal logo, the title of your article and the URL of the article on the Wiley Online Library.
Once completed, please SUBMIT your video to the journal editorial office along with article details and your contact information.
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