New Awards Hub available for Society members

Each year, ASA, CSSA, and SSSA (ACS) offer a plethora of awards to journal authors, students, crop advisers, professional members, and more. In our old system, members had to navigate through the ACS websites to find a lengthy list of awards links, each which would open a new tab to input applications or nominations. It wasn’t particularly convenient to use and finding awards that you and your colleagues qualified for wasn’t always easy. With that in mind, we’re excited to offer a more user-friendly, centralized Awards Hub.
Now linked with our websites, the new Awards Hub has a simplified single sign-in, meaning users can log in with their ACS membership username and password just once, rather than with each award link. Users can now navigate a series of drop-down lists of awards, separated conveniently by type. Additionally, when you select an award, the hub will autofill your relevant information from your membership account, streamlining the process. Additionally, because the new hub is linked to our membership rosters, we can now send out targeted emails to those who qualify for different awards. Say you’ve applied for one award in the past, but you never realized you also qualified for another; now you won’t miss that opportunity.

Now, all members have access to the awards hub and can start applying and nominating for those available. Most awards will close in late March, voting will take place in April, and winners are announced in May. Others, like travel awards, will open later in the year. All deadlines and requirements will be available in the new Awards Hub. Take some time to check out the site and explore what awards we have to offer in 2025!

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