Utilizing Alfalfa as an Alternative Nitrogen Source in Improving Bermudagrass Grazing Systems in the Southeastern United States

The environmental conditions of the Coastal Plains region of the United States provide livestock producers with unique forage production opportunities that may not be experienced nationwide. While these conditions are favorable for forage production and longer growing seasons, the rising costs associated with livestock production have producers seeking alternative ways to increase productivity while also reducing external input costs, particularly those related to feeding livestock. Earn 0.5 CEUs in Crop Management by reading this article and taking the quiz at https://web.sciencesocieties.org/Learning-Center/Courses.
• ADG – average daily gain
• BG – bermudagrass monoculture pastures receiving no nitrogen fertilizer
• BGA – bermudagrass pasture interseeded with ‘Bulldog 805’ alfalfa
• BGN – bermudagrass monoculture pastures receiving nitrogen
• CP – crude protein
• LWG – liveweight gain
• TDN – total digestible nutrients
In the Coastal Plains region of the United States, pastures are dominated by warm-season perennial forages, with bermudagrass being one of the most common. Bermudagrass is typically grown for either stored forage, such as dry hay, or grazing pasture for livestock. While bermudagrass is a desirable long-lived perennial forage, it has a high nitrogen (N) fertility requirement for optimal production, and the increased cost for synthetic N sources in recent years has resulted in producers seeking alternative N sources (Beck et al., 2017; Quinn, 2022).
Additionally, the nutritive value of bermudagrass for crude protein and energy is moderate at best (Ball et al., 2015). The crude protein (CP) of bermudagrass ranges from ~8–12%, and the total digestible nutrients (TDN), or energy, ranges from ~50–58%. These nutritive value parameters may require producers to supplement other feedstuff to their livestock, depending on the class of the animals (Ball et al., 2015; NASEM, 2016).
When N prices start to rise, so does the interest in legume–grass mixtures to help alleviate the need for supplemental N and improve the nutritive value of the forage base (Biermacher et al., 2012; Rouquette & Smith, 2010). While growing legume–grass mixtures is not a novel concept, there are limited perennial forage legume options that are viable long-term within a warm-season perennial grass system. Many of the forage legumes commonly used in the southeastern United States are cool-season annual species, making them suitable for incorporation with winter annual grasses. However, these legumes typically do not contribute throughout the growing season. Although there are few warm-season legume options to use, a cool-season perennial legume, such as alfalfa (Medicago sativa), is a potential option.

Typically, throughout the United States, alfalfa is grown in a monoculture. However, in the southeastern United States, alfalfa is an excellent complementary forage for bermudagrass swards. The development of alfalfa cultivars that are tolerant to the climate, disease, and pests of the region has aided in alfalfa–bermudagrass (ABG) mixtures being successfully used for stored forage (Hendricks et al., 2020).
In addition to the alfalfa cultivars that are tolerant to the environmental conditions of the region, some have also been selected for grazing tolerance (Bouton, 1998; Bouton & Gates, 2003). Previous research has shown that these alfalfa cultivars are successful when incorporated into bermudagrass in grazing scenarios, regardless of the bermudagrass cultivar being used (Beck et al., 2017a-d; Rushing et al., 2020). When appropriately managed, the alfalfa can be productive throughout the hot summer months and contribute to the overall seasonal herbage accumulation (Hendricks et al., 2020).
While ABG mixtures have been successful in other parts of the region, data are limited on grazing alfalfa interseeded into ‘Tifton 85’ bermudagrass specifically. Tifton 85 has a vigorous growth habit (Baseggio et al., 2015; Hanna & Anderson, 2008; Mandebvu et al., 1999) and greater fiber digestibility, resulting in greater cattle gains (Hill et al., 1993; Mandebvu et al., 1999). Additionally, there is limited research comparing ABG mixtures to bermudagrass monoculture in relation to system performance.
Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the agronomic and economic potential of ‘Bulldog 805’ alfalfa–Tifton 85 bermudagrass mixed pastures with Tifton 85 bermudagrass monoculture pastures with or without the application of synthetic nitrogen when grazed by stocker cattle in the U.S. Southeast.
Table 1. Mean seasonal animal and forage performance for stocker steers rotationally stocked on bermudagrass pastures supplemented with or without synthetic N or alfalfa–bermudagrass mixed pastures for the 2018–2019 grazing seasons in Tifton, GA.
Treatmentsb | ||||
Item | BG | BGN | BGA | SEM |
Seasonal average daily gain (lb/animal) | 1.50b | 1.46b | 1.72a | 0.07 |
Seasonal gain per acre (total lb LWG/ac)a | 69b | 85b | 123a | 12.7 |
Crude protein, (%) | 12.5c | 13.9b | 18.2a | 56.1 |
Total digestible nutrients (%) | 49.7b | 49.8b | 52.0a | 38.7 |
Note: Table is adapted from Burt et al., 2022.
a LWG, liveweight gain.
b Within a row, means without a common letter differ (p ≤ 0.05). Abbreviations: BG,
bermudagrass without nitrogen; BGA, bermudagrass interseeded with alfalfa; BGN,
bermudagrass supplemented with nitrogen (80 lb/ac); SEM, standard error of the mean.
Conclusion and Future Work
The results of this study indicated that the utilization of alfalfa–bermudagrass mixtures compared with bermudagrass monoculture pastures fertilized with or without synthetic N improves the overall agronomic production of this grazing system. Additionally, this evaluation determined that longer rest periods may be required, specifically in extreme environmental conditions, such as drought.
Current research is focused on determining the optimal harvest management strategies associated with this mixture. This work is focused on comparing stored forage production, grazing, and a combination of stored forage production and grazing of ABG mixtures in a simultaneous evaluation.
Ball, D.M., Hoveland, C.S., & Lacefield, G.D. (2015). Southern forages: Modern concepts for forage crop management (4th ed.). International Plant Nutrition Institute.
Baseggio, M., Newman, Y., Sollenberger, L. E., Fraisse, C., & Obreza, T. (2015). Planting rate and depth effects on Tifton 85 bermudagrass establishment using rhizomes. Crop Science, 55(3), 1338–1345. https://doi.org/10.2135/cropsci2014.09.0605
Beck, P., Hess, T., Hubbell, D., Gadberry, M. S., Jennings, J., & Sims, M. (2017a). Replacing synthetic N with clovers or alfalfa in bermudagrass pastures. 1. Herbage mass and pasture carrying capacity. Animal Production Science, 57(3), 539. https://doi.org/10.1071/an15045
Beck, P., Hess, T., Hubbell, D., Gadberry, M. S., Jennings, J., & Sims, M. (2017b). Replacing synthetic N with clovers or alfalfa in bermudagrass pastures. 2. Herbage nutritive value for growing beef steers. Animal Production Science, 57(3), 547. https://doi.org/10.1071/an15046
Beck, P., Hess, T., Hubbell, D., Jennings, J., Gadberry, M. S., & Sims, M. (2017). Replacing synthetic N with clovers or alfalfa in bermudagrass pastures. 3. Performance of growing steers. Animal Production Science, 57(3), 556. https://doi.org/10.1071/an15047
Biermacher, J. T., Reuter, R., Kering, M. K., Rogers, J. K., Blanton, J., Guretzky, J. A., & Butler, T. J. (2012). Expected economic potential of substituting legumes for nitrogen in bermudagrass pastures. Crop Science, 52(4), 1923–1930. https://doi.org/10.2135/cropsci2011.08.0455
Bouton, J. H., & Gates, R. N. (2003). Grazing‐tolerant alfalfa cultivars perform well under rotational stocking and hay management. Agronomy Journal, 95(6), 1461–1464. https://doi.org/10.2134/agronj2003.1461
Bouton, J. H., Gates, R. N., & Utley, P. R. (1998). Persistence and yield among nondormant alfalfas selected for grazing tolerance. Journal of Production Agriculture, 11(3), 314–318. https://doi.org/10.2134/jpa1998.0314
Hancock, D. W., Buntin, G. D., Ely, L. O., Lacy, R. C., Heusner, G. L., & Stewart, R. L., Jr. (2015). Alfalfa management in Georgia. University of Georgia. https://extension.uga.edu/publications/detail.html?number=B1350
Hendricks, T. J., Tucker, J. J., Hancock, D. W., Mullenix, M. K., Baxter, L. L., Stewart, R. L., Segers, J. R., & Bernard, J. K. (2020). Forage accumulation and nutritive value of bermudagrass and alfalfa–bermudagrass mixtures when harvested for baleage. Crop Science, 60(5), 2792–2801. https://doi.org/10.1002/csc2.20222
Hill, G. M., Gates, R. N., & Burton, G. W. (1993). Forage quality and grazing steer performance from Tifton 85 and Tifton 78 bermudagrass pastures. Journal of Animal Science, 71(12), 3219–3225. https://doi.org/10.2527/1993.71123219x
Mandebvu, P., West, J. W., Hill, G. M., Gates, R. N., Hatfield, R. D., Mullinix, B. G., Parks, A. H., & Caudle, A. B. (1999). Comparison of Tifton 85 and coastal bermudagrasses for yield, nutrient traits, intake, and digestion by growing beef steers. Journal of Animal Science, 77(6), 1572–1586. https://doi.org/10.2527/1999.7761572x
Mott, G. O., & Lucas, H. L. (1952). The design, conduct, and interpretation of grazing trials on cultivated and improved pastures. In Proceedings of VI International Grassland Congress (pp. 1380–1395). State College Press.
Quinn, R. (2022, April 8). DTN retail fertilizer trends. https://www.dtnpf.com/agriculture/web/ag/crops/article/2022/03/02/average-retail-fertilizer-prices
Rouquette, F. M., & Smith, G. R. (2010). Review: Effects of biological nitrogen fixation and nutrient cycling on stocking strategies for cow‐calf and stocker programs. The Professional Animal Scientist, 26(2), 131–141. https://doi.org/10.15232/S1080-7446(15)30572-6
Rushing, B., Lemus, R., Maples, J. G., & Lyles, J. C. (2022). Stocker cattle performance on interseeded alfalfa bermudagrass pastures in Mississippi. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management, 8(1), e20164. https://doi.org/10.1002/cft2.20164
Tucker, J. J., Mullenix, K., Silva, L., Prevatt, C., Samac, D., Kesheimer, K., & Tomaso‐Peterson, M. (2021). Alfalfa bermudagrass management guide. National Alfalfa and Forage Alliance.
Self-Study CEU Quiz
Earn 1 CEU in Nutrient Management by taking the quiz for the article at https://web.sciencesocieties.org/Learning-Center/Courses. For your convenience, the quiz is printed below. The CEU can be purchased individually, or you can access as part of your Online Classroom Subscription.
- Typically, in bermudagrass, crude protein ranges from ________, and energy ranges from ________.
- 15–18%; 65–70%
- 7–10%; 43–48%
- 8–12%; 50–58%
- 22–25%; 75–77%
- Alfalfa is known as what type of forage?
- Cool-season annual legume.
- Warm-season annual grass.
- Warm-season perennial legume.
- Cool-season perennial legume.
- ‘Tifton 85’ bermudagrass has a.
- vigorous growth habit and greater fiber digestibility
- slow growth habit with greater fiber digestibility
- vigorous growth habit with lower fiber digestibility.
- slow growth habit with higher fiber digestibility.
- The average daily gain of the stocker cattle in this study was greatest in which treatment?
- BG
- Average daily gain was the same among all treatments.
- When appropriately managed, alfalfa can be productive throughout the summer months.
- True.
- False.
This article is based on an article, “Improving bermudagrass in the Southeastern United States with alfalfa as an alternative nitrogen source in grazing systems,” published in the journal Grassland Research. Check it out at: https://doi.org/10.1002/glr2.12038.
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